Thursday 23 August 2012

New projects: work in progress

Good Twins try to meet not only online, but also off line! That's why we decided to forget skype and the eTwinning chat for a while, and meet face to face in front of a nice traditional Italian meal (if you're interested: lasagne, carbonara & pici: look for them in your dictionary!).
Here are some pics of the happy Twins!
Note: it looks like we're just having fun, but in fact we're creating new amazing fantastic projects. Wait and see...


Mint Igazi Ikrek, nemcsak online, hanem off line is! Ezèrt kis idore megfeledkeztunk a skype ès az eTwinning chat hasznàlatàròl, inkàbb a szemèlyes talàlkozòt vàlasztottuk, ès mellè egy finom, hagyomànyos olasz ètelsort: lasagne, carbonara & pici: a szòtàrban megtalàljàtok mindkettot, ha szeretnètek! ).
és  jojjon nèhàny fotò a boldog Ikrekrol!
Figyelem: ugy tunhet, mi csak szòrakozunk, de valòjàban èppen csodàlatos, fantasztikus jovobeli projekteken dolgozunk.
Vàrjatok, ès meglàtjàtok...

Mònika :)

Una bellissima giornata da ricordare, un piacevole momento per rievocare progetti degli anni passati e per programmarne di nuovi ! Il tutto nella splendida cornice di Siena, in compagnia di due colleghe straordinarie.
Quale migliore incentivo per cominciare bene l'anno scolastico?



  1. Dear Laura and friends,
    So nice to see the pictures of your nice moments as colleagues, friends, and project makers. What a lovely demonstration that online contacts may really lead to long-lasting warm-hearted connections.
    Best wishes

  2. Congratulations Laura and Monika! It's really nice to see you together, a very good example that eTwinning is much more than a place to work.
    All the best :)

  3. Thank you Anna and Mariella! Yes, we've been very lucky to meet each other... and as you see, our addiction to work + friendship is contagious and there are always new colleagues involved. What's important, is that we have fun and so are our studens (at least I hope).
